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    Engagement Tips for Men

    Will-you-marry-me? Sarah Hutchings, Director of Orsini Fine Jewellery & Denizen navigate how best to pop the question with these pointers.

    You’ve met the one that could just well be the right one, and the time has come to make your intentions known. It’s a time for romance, grand gestures and intimate affection, and if you do your research, the proposal will with a nugget of luck, end in a joyous ‘yes’. We spoke to Sarah Hutchings, Director of Orsini Fine Jewellery, Auckland, NZ, compiled a list of essential proposal tips. Here’s how to approach it:

    Propose a plan
    Even if you’ve discussed getting married, the proposal itself should be a surprise. This means nutting out the finer details so that the knots of nerves taking up residence in your stomach aren’t aggravated by the onset of freak downpours, lost rings and the like. You might have had lengthy discussions about the finer points of your future marital life before, but this doesn’t give you license to reveal your of-the-moment intentions.

    May I?
    It’s ancient, but ultimately classy to ask the father for his daughter’s hand in marriage. He’ll feel honoured that you considered his feelings; even if was just a mere token of respect.

    Talk it out
    Tongue-tied you are not. You, the proposer, are confident and in love, and you’ll be damned if your special moment is caught up by an unexpected case of scatterbrained gibberish. Figure out what you’d like to say and practice saying to yourself a few times when you’re calm and in control.

    Finding the perfect ring
    It’s been said that some women believe that expensive diamond rings are excessive; but quite frankly, we’re yet to meet one. Proffering a sparkly trinket is lifelong commitment, so we don’t need to tell you how important this element is. If your fiancé-to-be would want to be part of the design process, then there’s the option of waiting until she says yes and picking one out together. But it should be noted that’s it’s infinitely more romantic to consider your beloved’s tastes and make a gut decision pre-proposal.

    If you work with a reputable jeweller you should be able to settle on a beautiful rock and manage to keep your budget moderately in check, as it needn’t be a dollar-climbing affair. The mere fact that you’ve spent hours agonizing over the final choice will mean the world to her. And if you’re truly thinking ahead, steal one of her rings for the day so you can have it sized by your jeweller of choice.

    It’s time
    Which brings us to the exact knee-bruising moment itself. All the best proposals are made in private, not in front of family, a packed out sport’s stadium or anything else hideously public. While there’s no set formula, and in no way should you abide to one, employing the use of sky writing, fireworks or even a mariachi band isn’t advised. A little forethought is all it takes to make a lasting impression.

    Get down
    Yes you must get down on one knee; it shows her that you’re serious. And no, uttering those famous four words isn’t enough. You need to tell her why you want to marry her. It’s romantic and important to justify one’s actions. This is not a time to be coy with your affections; this is the time to bare one’s soul.

    I know these tips will help!